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Foundations of Comparative Politics : Democracies of the Modern World (Paperback, 4 Revised edition)
케네스 뉴턴
65,000원 / 1,950원
Dressler, Thomas, and Medwed's Criminal Procedure: Investigating Crime, 8th (Paperback)
481,230원(10%) / 14,440원
American Civilization : An Introduction (Paperback, 8 ed)
David Mauk
38,000원 / 1,140원
Foucault : A Very Short Introduction (Paperback, 2 Revised edition)
개리 거팅
19,000원 / 570원
Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers (Paperback, 5)
Stephen T. Thornton
65,000원 / 1,950원
The Penguin Book of Historic Speeches (Paperback)
Brian MacArthur
22,000원 / 660원
The Design of Everyday Things (Paperback, Revised, Expanded Edition)
Norman, Donald A.
22,320원(20%) / 1,120원
Chemistry, Global Edition (Paperback, 8 ed)
148,540원(10%) / 4,460원
The Craft of Research, Fifth Edition (Paperback, 5)
Wayne C. Booth
35,000원 / 1,050원
Sociology (Paperback, 9 ed)
앤서니 기든스
59,000원 / 1,770원
A History of the Bible : The Book and Its Faiths (Paperback)
John Barton
28,570원(18%) / 1,430원
A History of Western Music (Paperback, Tenth International Student Edition)
J. 피터 부르크홀더
48,000원 / 960원
Academic Writing : A Handbook for International Students (Paperback, 5 ed)
35,000원 / 1,050원
Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being, Global Edition (Paperback, 13 ed)
Michael R. Solomon
65,000원 / 1,300원
Contemporary Security Studies (Paperback, 6 Revised edition)
Alan Collins
47,000원 / 940원
Atkinson and Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology (Paperback, 16 ed)
수잔 놀렌 혹스마
48,000원 / 960원
Power and Choice: An Introduction to Political Science (Paperback, 16)
W. Phillips Shively
49,000원 / 980원
The Penguin History of the World : 6th edition (Paperback)
RobertsWestad, J MOdd Arne
27,000원 / 810원
The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read (and Your Children Will Be Glad That You Did) (Paperback)
Philippa Perry
20,950원(18%) / 1,050원
A Workbook for Arguments : A Complete Course in Critical Thinking (Paperback, 3rd Edition)
David R. Morrow
42,000원 / 1,260원
Global Issues: Migration (On-Level) (Paperback)
National Geographic Learning
15,500원 / 470원
Marx : A Very Short Introduction (Paperback, 2 Revised edition)
Peter Singer
19,000원 / 570원
Counseling Strategies That Work!: Evidence-Based Interventions for School Counselors (Paperback)
Richard D. Parsons
25,000원 / 1,250원
The Bible: A Very Short Introduction (Paperback)
John Kenneth Riches
17,000원 / 510원
Health (Paperback)
National Geographic Learning
15,500원 / 470원
War's Logic : Strategic Thought and the American Way of War (Paperback)
Antulio J. Echevarria II
69,000원 / 2,070원
Global Issues: Energy Resources (On-Level) (Paperback)
National Geographic Learning
15,500원 / 470원
Climate Change (Paperback)
National Geographic Learning
15,500원 / 470원
A History of Korea (Paperback, 3 ed)
Kyung Moon Hwang
37,000원 / 1,110원
Introduction to Psycholinguistics : Understanding Language Science (Paperback, 2 ed)
Matthew J. Traxler
59,000원 / 1,770원
Cognitive Neuroscience (Paperback, 4 Revised edition)
Marie T. Banich
85,770원(18%) / 4,290원
Standard of Living (Paperback)
National Geographic Learning
15,500원 / 470원
A Glossary of Literary Terms (Paperback, 11)
M. H. Abrams
49,000원 / 1,470원
The Contemporary Conflict Resolution Reader (Paperback)
Miall, Hugh
49,000원 / 1,470원
Global Issues: Globalization (On-Level) (Paperback)
National Geographic Learning
15,500원 / 470원
Students with Learning Disabilities (Paperback, 7)
Cecil D. Mercer, Paige C. Pullen 지음
38,000원 / 1,900원
Habitat Preservation (Paperback)
National Geographic Learning
15,500원 / 470원
Business Law (Hardcover, 8, Revised)
Henry R. Cheeseman
99,000원 / 1,980원
The New Makers of Modern Strategy: From the Ancient World to the Digital Age (Hardcover)
John Bew
60,000원 / 1,800원
Cognition: Exploring the Science of the Mind (4th Edition, Paperback)
Reisberg, Daniel 지음
45,000원 / 900원
Educational Psychology: Windows on Classrooms, Global Edition (Paperback, 10 ed)
Paul Eggen
45,000원 / 1,350원
Energy Resources (Paperback)
National Geographic Learning
15,500원 / 470원
American Law And the American Legal System in a Nutshell (Paperback)
Lloyd Bonfield
31,000원 / 620원
Exceptional Lives : Special Education in Today's Schools (Paperback, 6 Rev ed)
Ann P. Turnbull
45,000원 / 2,250원
The Coding Manual for Qualitative Researchers (Paperback, 3 Revised edition)
Johnny Saldana
25,000원 / 750원
Global Issues: Food Supply (On-Level) (Paperback)
National Geographic Learning
15,500원 / 470원
Modern Korean Fiction: An Anthology (Paperback)
Fulton, Bruce 지음
46,800원 / 940원
The Penguin History of Europe (Paperback)
J. M. Roberts
29,000원 / 870원
Social Psychology (Paperback, 6 ed, ISE )
Thomas Gilovich
100,440원(10%) / 3,020원
Empowerment Series: Direct Social Work Practice (Paperback, 11)
Dean H. Hepworth
148,540원(10%) / 4,460원
Creative Activities for Young Children (Paperback, 9th)
Mayesky, Mary
45,000원 / 900원
Critical Thinking Skills : Effective Analysis, Argument and Reflection (Paperback, 4 ed)
스텔라 코트렐
28,000원 / 840원
Cultural Theory and Popular Culture : An Introduction (Paperback, 9 ed)
존 스토리
38,000원 / 1,140원
Cases in International Relations: Principles and Applications (Paperback, 8)
Donald M. Snow
40,000원 / 1,200원
Handbook of International Law (Paperback, 2 Revised edition)
Anthony Aust
87,670원(18%) / 4,390원
Cengage Advantage Books: A Pocketful of Prose: Vintage Short Fiction, Volume I, Revised Edition (Paperback, Revised)
David Madden
28,000원 / 840원
Emphasis Art (Hardcover, 8th)
Wachowiak, Frank/ Clements, Robert D.
39,000원 / 1,950원
Corruption and Government : Causes, Consequences, and Reform (Paperback, 2 Revised edition)
Susan Rose-Ackerman
45,000원 / 900원
Population Growth (Paperback)
National Geographic Learning
15,500원 / 470원
Pollution (Paperback)
National Geographic Learning
15,500원 / 470원
Population Growth (Paperback)
National Geographic Learning
15,500원 / 470원
Learning and Teaching: Research-Based Methods (Paperback, 6, Revised)
Don Kauchak
35,000원 / 1,750원
Character Animation Crash Course! (Paperback)
Goldberg, Eric
42,000원 / 1,260원
Asking the Right Questions (Paperback, 8th)
M. Neil Browne
28,000원 / 560원
Christian Theology : An Introduction (Paperback, 7 ed)
알리스터 맥그래스
55,000원 / 1,650원
Dressler, Thomas, and Medwed's Criminal Procedure: Prosecuting Crime, 8th (Paperback)
481,230원(10%) / 14,440원
Media Politics (Paperback, 5 ed)
샨토 아이엔가
53,000원 / 1,590원
The Anthropocene and the Humanities: From Climate Change to a New Age of Sustainability (Hardcover)
캐롤린 머천트
30,000원 / 900원
South Korea at the Crossroads: Autonomy and Alliance in an Era of Rival Powers (Paperback)
Scott A. Snyder
30,000원 / 900원
Learnability and Cognition, new edition: The Acquisition of Argument Structure (Paperback)
Pinker, Steven
70,680원(5%) / 2,130원
Pollution (Paperback)
National Geographic Learning
15,500원 / 470원
Assessing Learners with Special Needs : An Applied Approach (Paperback, International ed of 7th revised ed)
Terry Overton
45,000원 / 1,350원
Contemporary Politics in the Middle East (Paperback, 3 Revised edition)
Beverley Milton-Edwards
32,000원 / 960원
Water Resources (Paperback)
National Geographic Learning
15,500원 / 470원
Teaching Students with Special Needs in General Education Classrooms (Paperback, 8)
Rena B. Lewis
36,000원 / 1,800원
Social Problems: Community, Policy, and Social Action (Paperback, 7)
Anna Y. Leon-guerrero
274,510원(10%) / 8,240원
Human Rights (Paperback)
National Geographic Learning
15,500원 / 470원
Exceptional Learners: An Introduction to Special Education (12th Edition, Paperback)
45,000원 / 1,350원
A Visual Approach to SPSS for Windows: A Guide to SPSS 17.0 (Paperback, 2, Revised)
Leonard D. Stern
29,000원 / 580원
59,000원 / 1,770원
Principles of Economics (AE) (Paperback , 10th Edition)
56,000원 / 1,680원
Intermediate Accounting (Paperback, 4th Edition)
Donald E. Kieso
65,000원 / 1,950원
ISE Managerial Accounting (Paperback, 18 ed)
Ray Garrison
64,000원 / 1,920원
Microeconomics: Theory and Applications with Calculus, Global Edition (Paperback, 5 ed)
Jeffrey Perloff
57,000원 / 1,710원
Statistics for Management & Economics (12th, Asia Edition)
59,000원 / 1,770원
Essentials of Organizational Behaviour, Global Edition (Paperback, 15 ed)
Stephen Robbins
60,000원 / 1,800원
Fundamentals of Management, Global Edition (Paperback, 11 ed)
스테판 P. 로빈
69,000원 / 1,380원
Principles of Microeconomics (AE) (Paperback, 10th Edition)
48,000원 / 1,440원
Investments (Paperback, 13 ed)
Zvi Bodie
65,000원 / 1,950원
Corporate Finance, Global Edition (Paperback, 6 ed)
Jonathan Berk
89,000원 / 2,670원
Organizational Behavior, Global Edition (Paperback, 19 ed)
Stephen Robbins
69,000원 / 1,380원
ISE Negotiation (Paperback, 9 ed)
Roy Lewicki
55,000원 / 1,650원
ISE Financial Institutions Management: A Risk Management Approach (Paperback, 11 ed)
Anthony Saunders
59,000원 / 1,770원
Strategic Management: Concepts (Paperback, 6 ed)
Frank Rothaermel
59,000원 / 1,770원
Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, Global Edition (Paperback, 9 ed)
John Hull
59,000원 / 1,770원
Corporate Finance: The Core, Global Edition (Paperback, 5 ed)
Jonathan Berk
79,000원 / 2,370원
Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, Global Ed (Paperback, 8 ed)
william stallings
84,000원 / 2,520원
ISE Data Analytics for Accounting (Paperback, 3 ed)
Vernon Richardson
62,000원 / 1,240원
ISE International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace (Paperback, 14 ed)
Charles Hill
55,000원 / 1,650원
ISE Operations Management (Paperback, 3 ed)
Gerard Cachon
53,000원 / 1,590원
Econometrics (Hardcover)
Bruce Hansen
162,720원(18%) / 8,140원
Operations Management: Processes and Supply Chains, Global Edition (Paperback, 13 ed)
Lee Krajewski
69,000원 / 1,380원
Principles of Microeconomics (9th Edition)
45,000원 / 1,350원
Essentials of Economics (9th Edition)
48,000원 / 1,440원
Statistics for Managers Using Microsoft Excel, Global Edition (Paperback, 9 ed)
David M. Levine
69,000원 / 2,070원
Financial Accounting: Tools for Business DecisionMaking (Paperback, 9th Asia Edition)
59,000원 / 1,180원
Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation, Global Edition (Paperback, 7 ed)
Sunil Chopra
59,000원 / 1,180원
Introduction to Management Science, Global Edition (Paperback, 13 ed)
버나드 W. 테일러
59,000원 / 1,180원
Introduction to International Economics: International Student Version (Paperback)
도미니크 살바토레 지음
85,860원(18%) / 4,300원
Introduction to Game Theory : International Edition (Paperback)
Osborne, Martin J. 지음
51,000원 / 1,020원
A Course in Game Theory (Paperback)
Martin J. Osborne
82,860원(18%) / 4,150원
Introduction to Materials Management, Global Edition (Paperback, 8 ed)
Steve Chapman
59,000원 / 1,180원
The Design of Everyday Things (Paperback, Revised, Expanded Edition)
Norman, Donald A.
22,320원(20%) / 1,120원
Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, Global Edition (Paperback, 11 ed)
John Hull
69,000원 / 1,380원
Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data, Second Edition (Hardcover, 2)
Jeffrey M. Wooldridge
203,400원(18%) / 10,170원
CTE Statistics for Management and Economics with Aplia (Paperback, 11th)
35,000원 / 1,050원
Macroeconomics, Global Edition (Paperback, 6 ed)
Stephen D. Williamson
59,000원 / 1,770원
Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm, Global Edition (Paperback, 16 ed)
Kenneth C. Laudon
48,000원 / 1,440원
Cracking the Coding Interview: 189 Programming Questions and Solutions
Gayle Laakmann Mcdowell
38,000원 / 760원
Oxford IB Diploma Programme: IB Economics Print and Enhanced Online Course Book Pack (Paperback)
110,550원(18%) / 5,530원
High-Dimensional Statistics : A Non-Asymptotic Viewpoint (Hardcover)
Martin J. Wainwright
125,000원 / 3,750원
Mathematics for Economists (Paperback)
Lawrence Blume
50,000원 / 1,500원
Introduction to Econometrics, Global Edition (Paperback, 4 ed)
James H. Stock
59,000원 / 1,770원
Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm, Global Edition (Paperback, 17 ed)
Kenneth Laudon
59,000원 / 1,770원
Applied Econometric Time Series (Paperback, 4, Revised)
Walter Enders
60,000원 / 1,800원
Economics, Global Edition (Paperback, 3 ed)
Daron Acemoglu
85,000원 / 2,550원
Essentials of Business Communication (Paperback, Asia, 3rd Edition)
49,000원 / 1,470원
Practical Management Science (Paperback, 6th)
55,000원 / 1,650원
Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets, The, Global Edition (Paperback, 13 ed)
Frederic Mishkin
50,000원 / 1,000원
MKTG : Principles of Marketing (13th Edition)
48,000원 / 1,440원
Cutlip and Center's Effective Public Relations : International Edition (Paperback, 11 ed)
Glen Broom
53,000원 / 1,060원
Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies (Hardcover, 7)
McKinsey & Company Inc.
67,000원 / 2,010원
International Business, Global Edition (Paperback, 17 ed)
John Daniels
59,000원 / 1,770원
Macroeconomics, Global Edition (Paperback, 8 ed)
올리비에 블랜차드
53,000원 / 1,590원
Principles of Macroeconomics (9th Edition)
45,000원 / 1,350원
Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being, Global Edition (Paperback, 13 ed)
Michael R. Solomon
65,000원 / 1,300원
Games of Strategy (Paperback, 5 ed)
55,000원 / 1,650원
Probability and Statistics for Economists (Hardcover)
Bruce Hansen
56,000원 / 1,680원
The Penguin History of Economics : New and Revised (Paperback)
Roger E Backhouse
19,000원 / 570원
ISE Introduction to Management Science and Business Analytics: A Modeling and Case Studies Approach with Spreadsheets (Paperback, 7 ed)
Frederick Hillier
58,000원 / 1,740원
Cost Accounting (14th Edition, Paperback)
30,000원 / 600원
Principles of Marketing, Global Edition (Paperback, 19 ed)
개리 암스트롱
69,000원 / 1,380원
Marketing Management, Global Edition (Paperback, 16 ed)
필립 코틀러
69,000원 / 1,380원
Matrix Analysis (Paperback, 2 Revised edition)
Roger A. Horn
45,000원 / 900원
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (Paperback, 4th Edition Asia Edition)
48,000원 / 1,440원
ISE Principles of Corporate Finance (Paperback, 14 ed)
Richard Brealey
118,170원(18%) / 5,910원
Intermediate Microeconomics : A Modern Approach (Paperback, 10 ed, International Student Edition)
Hal R. Varian
75,000원 / 1,500원
Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies, University Edition (Paperback, 7)
McKinsey & Company Inc.
48,000원 / 1,440원
Global Business Today ISE (2024 Release) (Paperback)
65,000원 / 1,950원
Economics of Regulation and Antitrust, Fifth Edition (Hardcover, 5)
W. Kip Viscusi
55,000원 / 1,650원
Introduction to Modern Economic Growth (Hardcover)
Daron Acemoglu
75,000원 / 2,250원
Further Mathematics for Economic Analysis (Paperback, 2 ed)
Knut Sydsaeter
55,000원 / 1,650원
Regression Analysis By Example Using R (Hardcover, 6 ed)
Ali S. Hadi
75,000원 / 2,250원
Disciplined Entrepreneurship: 24 Steps to a Successful Startup (Hardcover)
William Aulet
37,000원 / 1,110원
Financial Markets and Institutions, Global Edition (Paperback, 9 ed)
Frederic S. Mishkin
55,000원 / 1,650원
ISE Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage (Paperback, 13 ed)
Raymond Noe
55,000원 / 1,650원
Fundamentals of Business Statistics (Paperback, 6th Edition)
David Anderson
30,000원 / 900원
Financial Accounting Asia Global Edition (3rd Edition)
58,000원 / 1,740원
The Evolution of Tiger Management : Korean Companies in Global Competition (Paperback, 2 ed)
76,230원(18%) / 3,820원
Operations Strategy (Paperback, 6 ed)
Nigel Slack
52,000원 / 1,040원
Calculus: Early Transcendentals (Paperback, 9th)
51,000원 / 1,530원
Fundamentals of Astrodynamics: Second Edition (Paperback, 2)
Roger R. Bate
31,000원 / 930원
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (Hardcover, 3 Revised edition)
David J. Griffiths
65,000원 / 1,950원
Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach (Paperback, 10 ed)
Yunus Cengel
59,000원 / 1,770원
Thomas' Calculus, SI Units (Paperback, 15 ed)
Joel Hass
72,000원 / 2,160원
Modern Quantum Mechanics (Hardcover, 3 Revised edition)
Jun John Sakurai
114,360원(18%) / 5,720원
Introduction to Electrodynamics (Hardcover, 5 Revised edition)
David J. Griffiths
72,000원 / 2,160원
ISE Semiconductor Physics And Devices (Paperback, 4 ed)
52,000원 / 1,040원
Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Global Edition (Paperback, 6 ed)
David Lay
65,000원 / 1,950원
Biology: A Global Approach, Global Edition (Paperback, 12 ed)
닐 캠벨
80,000원 / 1,600원
Calculus, International Metric Edition (Hardcover, 9 Revised edition)
제임스 마이클 스튜어트
51,000원 / 1,530원
Advanced Engineering Mathematics (10th Edition, Paperback)
Erwin Kreyszig 지음
45,000원 / 1,350원
Advanced Engineering Mathematics 10e ISV WIE (Paperback)
Erwin Kreyszig 지음
48,000원 / 1,440원
Halliday and Resnick's Principles of Physics (Paperback, 12 ed)
59,000원 / 1,770원
Fundamental Molecular Biology (Hardcover, 3 ed)
Lizabeth A. Allison
48,000원 / 1,440원
Campbell Biology in Focus, Global Edition (Paperback, 3 ed)
Lisa A. Urry
59,000원 / 1,180원
Lewin's Essential Genes (Paperback, 4)
Jocelyn E. Krebs
50,000원 / 1,500원
Incropera's Principles of Heat and Mass Transfer (Paperback, 8th Edition, Global Edition)
Theodore L. Bergman
45,000원 / 1,350원
Introduction to Real Analysis (Hardcover, 4, Enhanced Epub)
Robert G. Bartle
43,000원 / 1,290원
Linear Algebra Done Right (Hardcover, 4 ed)
Sheldon Axler
70,000원 / 2,100원
The Biology of Cancer (Package, Third International Student Edition)
로버트 와인버그
80,000원 / 2,400원
ISE Organic Chemistry (Paperback, 7 ed)
Janice Smith
65,000원 / 1,300원
Calculus Early Transcendentals (Korea Edition )
47,000원 / 940원
ISE Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists (Paperback, 5 ed)
Steven Chapra
50,000원 / 1,500원
Brock Biology of Microorganisms, Global Edition (Paperback, 16 ed)
Michael Madigan
82,000원 / 1,640원
Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections, Global Edition (Paperback, 10 ed)
Martha Taylor
130,000원 / 1,300원
Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications (Paperback, 3 ed)
Nouredine Zettili
50,000원 / 1,000원
Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, Global Edition (Paperback, 8 ed)
Robert V. Hogg
68,000원 / 2,040원
Science Research Writing: For Native And Non-native Speakers Of English (Paperback, Second Edition)
Hilary Glasman-deal
30,000원 / 900원
Kittel's Introduction to Solid State Physics Global Edition (Paperback)
Charles Kittel
48,000원 / 1,440원
Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications (Paperback, 8 ed)
112,460원(18%) / 5,630원
Essential Genetics and Genomics (Paperback, 7)
Daniel L. Hartl
40,000원 / 1,200원
Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems (Paperback, 11th Global ed)
William E. Boyce
43,000원 / 1,290원
First Course in Abstract Algebra, A : Pearson New International Edition (Paperback, 7 ed)
Fraleigh, John
69,000원 / 2,070원
General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry: An Integrated Approach (Hardcover, 4, Revised)
Kenneth W. Raymond
42,000원 / 1,260원
Statistical Physics: An Introductory Course (Paperback)
Daniel J. Amit
20,000원 / 600원
Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics (ASIA EDITION, 10th ed)
56,000원 / 1,680원
Elementary Number Theory (Paperback, 7th Edition)
48,000원 / 1,440원
Essential Cell Biology (Package, 6th International Student Edition)
Bruce Alberts
100,000원 / 2,000원
Introduction to Real Analysis (Paperback, 3 ed)
맨프레드 스톨
40,000원 / 1,200원
Elements of Differential Geometry
40,000원 / 1,200원
Organic Chemistry as a Second Language, Volume 1 (Paperback, 6th)
David R. Klein
56,000원 / 1,120원
Classical Electrodynamics (Paperback, International)
Jackson, John David 지음
58,000원 / 1,740원
ISE Chemistry (Paperback, 14 ed)
Chang, Raymond
58,000원 / 1,160원
Electrochemical Methods: Fundamentals and Applications (Hardcover, 3)
Allen J. Bard
60,000원 / 1,200원
Linear Algebra for Everyone (Hardcover)
Gilbert Strang
87,000원 / 2,610원
Essential Developmental Biology (Paperback)
48,000원 / 1,440원
Immunology : A Short Course (Paperback, 8 ed)
Richard Coico
40,000원 / 1,200원
Principles of Neurobiology (Paperback, 2)
Liqun Luo
75,000원 / 2,250원
Concepts of Modern Physics (Paperback, International)
43,000원 / 860원
Spacetime and Geometry : An Introduction to General Relativity (Hardcover)
Sean M. Carroll
65,000원 / 1,950원
Chemistry with OWLv2 (10tn)
57,000원 / 1,140원
Discrete Mathematics, Global Edition (Paperback, 8 ed)
Richard Johnsonbaugh
59,000원 / 1,770원
Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Materials, Sixth Edition (Hardcover, 6 ed)
David R. Gaskell
45,000원 / 1,350원
Gravitation (Hardcover)
Charles W. Misner
113,000원(18%) / 5,650원
Differential Equations with Boundary-Value Problems (Paperback, 9 ed, International Metric Edition)
Dennis G. Zill
52,000원 / 1,560원
A First Course in Differential Equations with Modeling Applications (Paperback, 11 ed, International Metric Edition)
Dennis G. Zill
47,000원 / 1,410원
Set Theory : A First Course (Hardcover)
65,000원 / 1,950원
Applied Multivariate Data Analysis (Paperback, 2, Revised)
65,000원 / 1,300원
Classical Mechanics : Pearson New International Edition (Paperback, 3 ed)
Herbert Goldstein 지음
138,070원(10%) / 4,150원
Astronomy Today, Global Edition (Paperback, 8 ed)
Eric J. Chaisson
55,000원 / 1,650원
Introduction to Spectroscopy (Paperback, 5)
Donald L. Pavia
48,000원 / 960원
Applied Mathematics (Hardcover, 4, Revised)
J. David Logan
55,000원 / 1,650원
Quantum Computation and Quantum Information : 10th Anniversary Edition (Hardcover)
Michael Nielsen
80,000원 / 2,400원
Abstract Algebra (Paperback, 3)
Herstein, I. M. 지음
72,000원 / 2,160원
Contemporary Linear Algebra (Hardcover)
Howard A. Anton
60,000원 / 1,800원
Quantum Computer Science : An Introduction (Hardcover)
N. David Mermin
58,000원 / 1,740원
Chemical Kinetics and Reaction Dynamics (Paperback)
Paul L. Houston
39,600원 / 1,190원
Fundamentals of Acoustics (Hardcover, 4)
Lawrence E. Kinsler
63,000원 / 1,890원
Convex Optimization (Hardcover)
Stephen P. Boyd
100,000원 / 3,000원
Essentials of Geology (Paperback, 7th Edition)
Stephen Marshak
59,000원 / 1,770원
Complex Analysis (Hardcover)
Elias M. Stein
57,000원 / 1,710원
Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering (Paperback, 8th International)
David Himmelblau
30,000원 / 600원
The Oxford Solid State Basics (Paperback)
Simon, Steven H
59,080원(18%) / 2,960원
Abstract Algebra (Hardcover, 3, Revised)
David S. Dummit
73,000원 / 2,190원
Discrete Mathematics with Applications, Metric Edition (Paperback, 5 ed)
Susanna Epp
45,000원 / 1,350원
Probability & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists (Paperback, 9th Global Edition)
Ronald E. Walpole
69,000원 / 2,070원
Introduction to Elementary Particles (Paperback, 2, Revised)
David Griffiths
127,730원(18%) / 6,390원
Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections, Global Edition (Paperback, 9 ed)
Martha R. Taylor
50,000원 / 1,000원
Algebra (Hardcover, 3)
Lang, Serge
83,000원 / 2,490원
Fundamentals of Astrodynamics: Second Edition (Paperback, 2)
Roger R. Bate
31,000원 / 930원
Fundamentals of Microelectronics (Paperback, 3)
버자드 라자비
55,000원 / 1,650원
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits (Paperback, 7th Edition)
49,000원 / 1,470원
Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach (Paperback, 10 ed)
Yunus Cengel
59,000원 / 1,770원
Control Systems Engineering (Paperback, 8th Edition, Asia Edition)
29,000원 / 870원
Modern Quantum Mechanics (Hardcover, 3 Revised edition)
Jun John Sakurai
114,360원(18%) / 5,720원
Fundamentals of Logic Design Enhanced (Paperback + CD, 7th ed)
53,000원 / 1,590원
Advanced Engineering Mathematics (7th Edition)
48,000원 / 1,440원
ISE Semiconductor Physics And Devices (Paperback, 4 ed)
52,000원 / 1,040원
Advanced Engineering Mathematics (10th Edition, Paperback)
Erwin Kreyszig 지음
45,000원 / 1,350원
Advanced Engineering Mathematics 10e ISV WIE (Paperback)
Erwin Kreyszig 지음
48,000원 / 1,440원
Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems (Paperback, 12th Edition, International Adaptation)
William E. Boyce
53,000원 / 1,590원
Introduction to Real Analysis (Hardcover, 4, Enhanced Epub)
Robert G. Bartle
43,000원 / 1,290원
Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering : An Integrated Approach (Paperback, 6th Edition, International Adaptation)
William D. Callister
59,000원 / 1,770원
ISE Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists (Paperback, 5 ed)
Steven Chapra
50,000원 / 1,500원
Data Communications and Networking with TCP/IP Protocol Suite (Paperback, 6th Edition)
Behrouz A. Forouzan
46,000원 / 920원
Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design, 11th Edition, Si Units (Paperback)
45,000원 / 900원
Vector Mechanics for Engineers : Dynamics (Paperback, 12th)
45,000원 / 900원
Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, Global Edition (Paperback, 8 ed)
진 F. 프랭클린
75,000원 / 2,250원
Kittel's Introduction to Solid State Physics Global Edition (Paperback)
Charles Kittel
48,000원 / 1,440원
Automatic Control Systems (10th)
50,000원 / 1,000원
Physics: Principles with Applications, Global Edition (Paperback, 7 ed)
Giancoli, Douglas
68,000원 / 1,360원
Signals and Systems : Pearson New International Edition (Paperback, 2 ed)
Alan Willsky, Alan Oppenheim &
58,000원 / 1,160원
Engineering vibration (5 ed)
48,000원 / 960원
Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits (Hardcover, 6th)
Gray, Paul R.
64,000원 / 1,920원
An Introduction to Semiconductor Devices
Neamen, Donald A. 지음
50,000원 / 1,000원
Dive into Deep Learning (Paperback)
Aston Zhang
45,000원 / 1,350원
Microwave Engineering (Paperback, 4th, International Edition)
David M. Pozar
53,000원 / 1,590원
Modern Control Systems, Global Edition (Paperback, 14 ed)
Richard Dorf
57,000원 / 1,140원
Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis (Paperback, 12th Edition, International Adaptation)
J. David Irwin
51,000원 / 1,020원
Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, Global Edition (Paperback, 8 ed)
Kurose, James
58,000원 / 1,160원
Linear Algebra for Everyone (Hardcover)
Gilbert Strang
87,000원 / 2,610원
Reliability Engineering (Hardcover, 3)
Elsayed A. Elsayed
65,000원 / 1,950원
Operating System Concepts (Paperback, 10th)
47,000원 / 940원
Digital Design, Global Edition (Paperback, 6 ed)
M. Morris R. Mano
57,000원 / 1,140원
Dorf's Introduction to Electric Circuits (Paperback, Global Edition, 9th Edition)
Richard C. Dorf
48,000원 / 960원
Digital Image Processing, Global Edition (Paperback, 4 ed)
Rafael C. Gonzalez
65,000원 / 1,300원
Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Materials, Sixth Edition (Hardcover, 6 ed)
David R. Gaskell
45,000원 / 1,350원
Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes (Paperback, 4th Edition International Student Version)
Richard M. Felder
57,000원 / 1,140원
Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits (Paperback, 2 ed)
49,000원 / 980원
CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits Analysis & Design (Paperback, 4 International ed)
Sung-Mo Kang
39,000원 / 1,170원
Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals, Global Edition (Paperback, 5 ed)
Morris R. Mano
60,000원 / 1,200원
Field and Wave Electromagnetics : Pearson New International Edition (Paperback, 2 ed)
David K. Cheng 지음
56,000원 / 1,120원
Classical Mechanics : Pearson New International Edition (Paperback, 3 ed)
Herbert Goldstein 지음
138,070원(10%) / 4,150원
Fitzgerald and Kingsley's Electric Machinery (Paperback)
Umans, Stephen D.
45,000원 / 900원
Fundamentals of Gas Turbines (Paperback, 2)
William W. Bathie
375,940원(18%) / 18,800원
Solid State Electronic Devices, Global Edition (Paperback, 7 ed)
Sanjay Banerjee, Ben Streetman &
58,000원 / 1,160원
Principles of Communications (Paperback, 7)
Rodger E. Ziemer
43,000원 / 1,290원
Integrated Circuit Design: International Version: A Circuits and Systems Perspective (Paperback, 4th, International)
David Harris 외 지음
59,000원 / 1,770원
Contemporary Logic Design (2nd Edition)
38,000원 / 760원
Materials Thermodynamics: With Emphasis on Chemical Approach [With CDROM] (Hardcover, Revised)
Hae-Geon Lee
59,000원 / 1,770원
Communication Systems (5th Edition, Paperback)
A. Bruce Carlson 외 지음
38,000원 / 1,140원
Essentials of Heat Transfer : Principles, Materials, and Applications (Hardcover)
Massoud Kaviany
150,000원 / 4,500원
Aeroelasticity (Paperback)
Raymond L. Bisplinghoff
17,000원 / 510원
Electric Machines (Hardcover)
Sarma, Mulukutla S. 지음
39,000원 / 1,170원
Quantum Computation and Quantum Information : 10th Anniversary Edition (Hardcover)
Michael Nielsen
80,000원 / 2,400원
Digital Communication Systems (Hardcover, Revised)
Haykin, Simon
55,000원 / 1,650원
Contemporary Linear Algebra (Hardcover)
Howard A. Anton
60,000원 / 1,800원
Optimization Modelling: A Practical Approach (Hardcover)
Ruhul Amin Sarker
25,000원 / 750원
Transport Phenomena (Hardcover, Revised 2nd Edition)
R. Byron Bird
59,000원 / 1,770원
Fundamentals of Acoustics (Hardcover, 4)
Lawrence E. Kinsler
63,000원 / 1,890원
Convex Optimization (Hardcover)
Stephen P. Boyd
100,000원 / 3,000원
Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective, Global Edition (Paperback, 3 ed)
Randal E. Bryant
65,000원 / 1,300원
Elementary Linear Algebra, Applications Version (Paperback, 12th Edition, Asia Edition)
57,000원 / 1,710원
Callister's Materials Science and Engineering (Paperback, 10th Edition, Global Edition)
William D. Callister
48,000원 / 1,440원
Chemical Reaction Engineering (Hardcover, 3, Revised)
Levenspiel, Octave
53,000원 / 1,590원
Linear Algebra (Paperback, 2nd Edition)
33,000원 / 660원
Vector Mechanics for Engineers : Statics (Paperback, 12th)
44,000원 / 880원
Heat And Mass Transfer, 6th Edition, Si Units (Paperback, 6th)
45,000원 / 1,350원
Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals And Applications (Paperback, SI, 4th)
Yunus Cengel
30,000원 / 900원
Introduction to Elementary Particles (Paperback, 2, Revised)
David Griffiths
127,730원(18%) / 6,390원
Chemistry (Paperback)
Zumdahl, Steven S
55,000원 / 1,100원
Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices (Paperback, International, 4 Rev ed)
50,000원 / 1,000원
Introduction to Chemical Engineering: Tools for Today and Tomorrow (Paperback, 5, Revised)
Solen, Kenneth A.
50,000원 / 1,000원
LLM Engineer's Handbook : Master the art of engineering large language models from concept to production (Paperback)
Paul Iusztin
49,000원 / 1,470원
Fundamentals of Database Systems, Global Edition (Paperback, 7 ed)
Ramez Elmasri
51,000원 / 1,020원
An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics: Principles of Analysis and Design (Paperback)
Stanley Middleman 지음
53,000원 / 1,060원
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits (Paperback, 6 Rev ed)
33,000원 / 990원
Modern Semiconductor Devices for Integrated Circuits
첸밍 후 지음
36,000원 / 720원
The Art of Electronics (Hardcover, 3 Revised edition)
Paul Horowitz
133,430원(18%) / 6,680원
C How to Program: With Case Studies in Applications and SystemsProgramming, Global Edition (Paperback, 9 ed)
Paul Deitel
58,000원 / 1,160원
Data Communications and Networking with TCP/IP Protocol Suite (Paperback, 6th Edition)
Behrouz A. Forouzan
46,000원 / 920원
Neuro-Symbolic AI: Design transparent and trustworthy systems that understand the world as you do (Paperback)
Alexiei Dingli
29,000원 / 870원
Dive into Deep Learning (Paperback)
Aston Zhang
45,000원 / 1,350원
Linux Device Driver Development : Everything you need to start with device driver development for Linux kernel and embedded Linux (Paperback, 2 Revised edition)
John Madieu
59,000원 / 1,770원
Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, Global Ed (Paperback, 8 ed)
william stallings
84,000원 / 2,520원
ISE Data Analytics for Accounting (Paperback, 3 ed)
Vernon Richardson
62,000원 / 1,240원
Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, Global Edition (Paperback, 8 ed)
Kurose, James
58,000원 / 1,160원
Practical Node-RED Programming : Learn powerful visual programming techniques and best practices for the web and IoT (Paperback)
Taiji Hagino
39,000원 / 1,170원
Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Global Edition (Paperback, 4 ed)
Peter Norvig
135,990원(10%) / 4,080원
Linear Algebra for Everyone (Hardcover)
Gilbert Strang
87,000원 / 2,610원
Statistics for Managers Using Microsoft Excel, Global Edition (Paperback, 9 ed)
David M. Levine
69,000원 / 2,070원
Foundations of Computer Science (Paperback, 4 ed)
42,000원 / 1,260원
Deep Learning (Hardcover)
Ian Goodfellow
79,000원 / 2,370원
Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals, Global Edition (Paperback, 5 ed)
Morris R. Mano
60,000원 / 1,200원
Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment (Paperback, 3, Revised)
Stevens, W. Richard
90,000원 / 2,700원
Elements of Information Theory (Hardcover, 2)
Cover, Thomas M./ Thomas, Joy A.
69,000원 / 2,070원
Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1, Fascicle 1, The : MMIX -- A RISC Computer for the New Millennium (Paperback)
Knuth, Donald E.
10,000원 / 300원
C Programming: A Modern Approach (Paperback, 2)
K. N. King
49,000원 / 1,470원
Reinforcement Learning, Second Edition: An Introduction (Hardcover, 2)
Richard S. Sutton
79,000원 / 2,370원
Deep Learning: Foundations and Concepts (Hardcover, 2024)
크리스토퍼 비숍
115,000원 / 3,450원
Mathematics for Machine Learning (Paperback)
Marc Peter Deisenroth
55,000원 / 1,650원
The Oxford Solid State Basics (Paperback)
Simon, Steven H
59,080원(18%) / 2,960원
Practical Programming: An Introduction to Sputer Science Using Python 3.6 (Paperback, 3)
Paul Gries
35,000원 / 700원
How to Prove It : A Structured Approach (Paperback, 3 Revised edition)
Daniel J. Velleman
40,000원 / 1,200원
Probabilistic Machine Learning: Advanced Topics (Hardcover)
Kevin P. Murphy
170,000원 / 5,100원
Mathematical Methods for Physicists: A Comprehensive Guide (Hardcover, 7)
Arfken, George B.
188,260원(18%) / 9,420원
The Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective (Hardcover)
Kevin P. Murphy
188,330원(18%) / 9,420원
Understanding Deep Learning (Hardcover)
Simon J. D. Prince
94,000원 / 1,880원
Linear Algebra and Learning from Data (Hardcover)
Gilbert Strang
112,460원(18%) / 5,630원
High-Dimensional Statistics : A Non-Asymptotic Viewpoint (Hardcover)
Martin J. Wainwright
125,000원 / 3,750원
Magnetism in Condensed Matter (Paperback)
Stephen Blundell
61,930원(18%) / 3,100원
Data Structures and Algorithms in Java (Paperback, 6th International student edition)
마이클 T. 굿리치 외 지음
57,000원 / 1,710원
LLM Engineer's Handbook : Master the art of engineering large language models from concept to production (Paperback)
Paul Iusztin
49,000원 / 1,470원
Probabilistic Machine Learning: An Introduction (Hardcover)
Kevin P. Murphy
183,740원(20%) / 9,190원
Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Global Edition (Paperback, 3 ed)
Stuart Russell
48,000원 / 1,440원
Artificial Intelligence: A Guide for Thinking Humans (Paperback)
Melanie Mitchell
26,000원 / 780원
Foundations of Algorithms (Paperback, 5, Revised)
Richard Neapolitan
55,000원 / 1,650원
Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning (Hardcover)
Carl Edward Rasmussen
49,000원 / 1,470원
Fundamentals of Modern VLSI Devices (Hardcover, 3 Revised edition)
Yuan Taur
99,110원(18%) / 4,960원
The Art of Electronics (Hardcover, 3 Revised edition)
Paul Horowitz
133,430원(18%) / 6,680원
Data-Driven Science and Engineering : Machine Learning, Dynamical Systems, and Control (Hardcover, 2 Revised edition)
Steven L. Brunton
95,300원(18%) / 4,770원
Atomic Physics (Paperback)
C. J. Foot
61,930원(18%) / 3,100원
Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision (Paperback, 2 Revised edition)
Richard Hartley
141,080원(18%) / 7,060원
Introduction to Static Analysis: An Abstract Interpretation Perspective (Hardcover)
Xavier Rival
59,000원 / 1,770원
Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach (Paperback, 6)
존 헤네시
165,660원(18%) / 8,290원
Software Engineering, Global Edition (Paperback, 10 ed)
Ian Sommerville
57,000원 / 1,710원
Electricity and Magnetism (Hardcover, 3 Revised edition)
Purcell, Edward M
101,020원(18%) / 5,060원
Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology : A Basic Introduction (Paperback, 2 Revised edition)
Ta-Pei Cheng
61,930원(18%) / 3,100원
Modern Robotics : Mechanics, Planning, and Control (Hardcover)
Frank C. Park
85,000원 / 2,550원
Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship (Paperback)
Robert C. Martin
75,310원(18%) / 3,770원
Data Structures and Algorithms in Python (Hardcover, New)
Goodrich, Michael T.
63,000원 / 1,890원
Statistical Mechanics (Paperback, 4 ed)
R. K
165,730원(18%) / 8,290원
Quantum Information Theory (Hardcover, 2 Revised edition)
Mark M. Wilde
108,650원(18%) / 5,440원
The Pragmatic Programmer: Your Journey to Mastery, 20th Anniversary Edition (Hardcover, 2)
앤드류 헌트
75,310원(18%) / 3,770원
The Science of Deep Learning (Hardcover)
Drori Iddo Drori
59,000원 / 1,770원
Machine Learning with PyTorch and Scikit-Learn : Develop machine learning and deep learning models with Python (Paperback)
Sebastian Raschka
59,000원 / 1,770원
Probabilistic Graphical Models: Principles and Techniques (Hardcover)
Daphne Koller
75,000원 / 2,250원
Introduction to Modern Cryptography (Hardcover, 3)
Jonathan Katz
209,710원(18%) / 10,490원
Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code (Hardcover, 2)
마틴 파울러
99,420원(18%) / 4,980원
An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata (Hardcover, 6)
Peter Linz
19,000원 / 570원
Game Physics Engine Development: How to Build a Robust Commercial-Grade Physics Engine for your Game (Paperback, 2)
Millington, Ian
55,000원 / 1,650원
Understanding Machine Learning : From Theory to Algorithms (Hardcover)
Shai Shalev-shwartz
87,670원(18%) / 4,390원
Data Structures and Algorithms in C++ (Paperback, 2)
Goodrich, Michael T.
85,000원 / 2,550원
Computer Vision: A Modern Approach : International Edition (Paperback, 2 ed)
David Forsyth
152,730원(10%) / 4,590원
Neural Networks and Deep Learning: A Textbook (Hardcover, 2, Second 2023)
차루 C. 아가르왈
110,000원 / 3,300원
Pattern Classification (Hardcover, 2)
Richard O. Duda 지음
85,000원 / 2,550원
Introduction to Quantum Cryptography (Hardcover)
Thomas Vidick
75,000원 / 2,250원
Foundations of Computer Vision (Hardcover)
Antonio Torralba
125,000원 / 3,750원
Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra : Vectors, Matrices, and Least Squares (Hardcover)
스티븐 보이드
70,000원 / 2,100원
An Introduction to Statistical Learning: With Applications in Python (Hardcover)
Gareth James
145,000원 / 4,350원
Computer Organization and Design MIPS Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface (Paperback, 6)
데이비드 패터슨
110,000원 / 3,300원
Multiplayer Game Development with Unreal Engine 5: Create compelling multiplayer games with C++, Blueprints, and Unreal Engine's networking features (Paperback)
Marco Secchi
43,000원 / 1,290원
Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python (Paperback, 3rd Edition)
John V. Guttag
45,000원 / 1,350원
5g Nr: The Next Generation Wireless Access Technology (Paperback)
Erik Dahlman
15,000원 / 450원
Generative AI with LangChain: Build large language model (LLM) apps with Python, ChatGPT, and other LLMs (Paperback)
Ben Auffarth
36,000원 / 1,080원
Causal Inference and Discovery in Python: Unlock the secrets of modern causal machine learning with DoWhy, EconML, PyTorch and more (Paperback)
Aleksander Molak
46,000원 / 1,380원
Python Crash Course : A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming (Paperback, 3rd Edition)
에릭 마테스
75,310원(18%) / 3,770원
Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software (Paperback, 2)
Petzold, Charles
45,000원 / 1,350원
Fundamentals of Signals and Systems Using the Web and MATLAB : Pearson New International Edition (Paperback, 3 ed)
Bonnie Heck, Edward Kamen &
45,000원 / 900원
Nursing Interventions Classification (Nic) (Paperback, 8)
Cheryl M. Wagner
110,000원 / 2,200원
Know the Body: Muscle, Bone, and Palpation Essentials [With CDROM] (Paperback)
Muscolino, Joseph E.
93,000원 / 2,790원
Campbell Essential Biology with Physiology, Global Edition (Paperback, 6 ed)
Eric J. Simon
65,000원 / 1,300원
English Communication for Nursing
16,800원(20%) / 840원
Prescriber's Guide : Stahl's Essential Psychopharmacology (Paperback, 8 Revised edition)
Stephen M. Stahl
140,000원 / 4,200원
Biochemistry (International Edition) (Paperback, Tenth Edition)
Jeremy M. Berg
150,000원 / 4,500원
Saunders Comprehensive Review for the Nclex-Rn(r) Examination (Paperback, 9 ed)
Linda Anne Silvestri
114,000원(5%) / 3,420원
Ross & Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness (Paperback, 14)
Anne Waugh
69,000원 / 2,070원
Head, Neck, and Neuroanatomy (Thieme Atlas of Anatomy) (Paperback, 3)
Michael Schuenke
109,250원(5%) / 3,280원
General Anatomy and Musculoskeletal System (Thieme Atlas of Anatomy) (Paperback, 3)
Michael Schuenke
99,000원(10%) / 2,970원
Success! in Clinical Laboratory Science (Paperback, 5)
Donald C. Lehman
240,000원 / 7,200원
Abrahams' and McMinn's Clinical Atlas of Human Anatomy (Paperback, 8 ed)
Peter H. Abrahams
128,000원 / 2,560원
Common Diseases of Companion Animals (Paperback, 4)
Alleice Summers
116,000원 / 3,480원
Hinman's Atlas of Urologic Surgery Revised Reprint (Hardcover, 4)
Joseph A. Smith
444,470원(18%) / 22,230원
Casarett & Doull's Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons, 9th Edition (Hardcover, 9)
Curtis D. Klaassen
200,000원 / 4,000원
Cellular Signal Processing: An Introduction to the Molecular Mechanisms of Signal Transduction (Paperback, 2)
Friedrich Marks
131,520원(18%) / 6,580원
Janeway's Immunobiology (Paperback, 9 Rev ed)
Kenneth Murphy
75,000원 / 2,250원
Netter's Concise Orthopaedic Anatomy, Updated Edition (Paperback, 2)
Jon C. Thompson
81,000원(10%) / 4,050원
Diagnostic Imaging: Interventional Procedures (Hardcover, Published by Am)
T. Gregory Walker
47,500원(5%) / 1,430원
Kaplan & Sadock's Synopsis of Psychiatry (Paperback, 12th International Edition)
Robert Boland
123,500원(5%) / 3,710원
BOC Study Guide MLS-MLT Clinical Laboratory Examinations (Paperback, 7 Revised edition)
ASCP Editorial Board
165,000원 / 4,950원
Cellular and Molecular Immunology (Paperback, 10)
Abul K. Abbas
115,000원 / 3,450원
Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN? Examination (Paperback, 6, Revised)
Linda Anne Silvestri
73,000원 / 2,190원
Harrison's Principles Of Internal Medicine (Hardcover, 2 Volumes, 21th, International)
270,000원(10%) / 8,100원
Stahl's Essential Psychopharmacology : Neuroscientific Basis and Practical Applications (Paperback, 5 Revised edition)
Stephen M. Stahl
135,000원 / 4,050원
Strategies for Student Success on the Next Generation Nclex(r) (Ngn) Test Items (Paperback)
Linda Anne Silvestri
88,000원 / 2,640원
Cohen's Pathways of the Pulp (Hardcover, 12th)
H. Louis
289,270원(18%) / 14,470원
First Aid for the USMLE Step 2 CK 11e(IE) (11th Edition)
100,000원 / 3,000원
Spinal Epidural Balloon Decompression and Adhesiolysis (Hardcover)
Jin Woo Shin
252,540원(18%) / 12,630원
ISCN 2024 (Paperback)
Hastings, Ros
190,000원 / 5,700원
Stahl's Essential Psychopharmacology : Neuroscientific Basis and Practical Applications (Paperback, 4 Revised edition)
Stahl, Stephen M
160,000원 / 4,800원
Textbook of Biochemistry with Clinical Correlations (Hardcover, 7)
Thomas M. Devlin
60,000원 / 1,800원
Principles of Neural Science, Fifth Edition (Hardcover, 5, Revised)
Kandel, Eric R.
90,000원 / 2,700원
Prescriber's Guide : Stahl's Essential Psychopharmacology (Paperback, 7 Revised edition)
Stephen M. Stahl
120,000원 / 3,600원
Travell, Simons & Simons' Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual (Hardcover, 3)
David Simons
189,000원(10%) / 5,670원
Trail Guide to the Body: A Hands-On Guide to Locating Muscles, Bones and More (Spiral, 6)
Andrew Biel
120,000원 / 3,600원
Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology, International Edition (Lippincott Illustrated Reviews Series) (Paperback, 8 ed)
65,000원 / 1,300원
Kinesiology of the Musculoskeletal System: Foundations for Rehabilitation (Hardcover, 3rd)
도널드 뉴만
125,000원 / 3,750원
Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy, Volume I: Head and Neck: Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Paperback, 4)
Moeller, Torston
71,250원(5%) / 2,140원
First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 2020 (Paperback, 30th, International)
63,000원 / 1,890원
The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics (Paperback, 37)
95,000원(5%) / 2,850원
Principles of Cell Biology (Paperback, 3)
George Plopper
49,000원 / 1,470원
Pediatric & Neonatal Dosage Handbook (2022-2023) (Paperback, 29 ed)
200,000원 / 6,000원
Callen's Ultrasonography in Obstetrics and Gynecology (Hardcover, 6)
Mary E. Norton
170,000원 / 5,100원
Introduction to Meta-Analysis (Hardcover)
Borenstein, Michael, Dr.
114,510원(18%) / 5,730원
Modern Epidemiology (Paperback, 4)
Kenneth Rothman
171,000원(5%) / 5,130원
Prescriber's Guide : Stahl's Essential Psychopharmacology (Paperback, 6 Revised edition)
Stephen M. Stahl
120,000원 / 3,600원
Thompson & Thompson Genetics in Medicine (Paperback, 8, Revised)
Robert Nussbaum
90,000원 / 2,700원
Electromyography and Neuromuscular Disorders: Clinical-Electrophysiologic-Ultrasound Correlations (Hardcover, 4)
C. David
270,000원(10%) / 8,100원
Theoretical Basis for Nursing (Paperback, 6th, International Editon)
Melanie McEwen
165,000원 / 3,300원
Orthopedic Physical Assessment (Hardcover, 7th)
150,000원 / 4,500원
Ajcc Cancer Staging Manual (Paperback, 8, 2017, Corr. 2nd)
Frederick L. Greene
157,830원(18%) / 7,900원
The Sanford Guide to Antimicrobial Therapy 2024 (Paperback, Pocket Ed)
70,000원 / 2,100원
The Sanford Guide to Antimicrobial Therapy 2021 (Paperback, 51st , Pocket Edition)
52,000원 / 1,560원
Clinically Oriented Anatomy (Paperback)
Moore, Keith L
95,000원 / 1,900원
Kuby Immunology (Paperback, 8th ed. 2018)
Jenni Punt
139,150원(18%) / 6,960원
Burns and Grove's The Practice of Nursing Research (Paperback, 9 ed)
Jennifer R. Gray
174,000원 / 3,480원
Kendall's Muscles, International Edition (Hardcover, International Edition, 6th)
148,500원 / 2,970원
Netter Atlas of Human Anatomy: Classic Regional Approach: Paperback + eBook (Paperback, 8)
Frank H. Netter
130,000원 / 3,900원
Functional Anatomy: Musculoskeletal Anatomy, Kinesiology, and Palpation for Manual Therapists with Navigate Advantage Access (Paperback, 2)
Christy Cael
120,000원 / 3,600원
Sperling Pediatric Endocrinology (Hardcover, 5)
A. Mark
171,000원(10%) / 5,130원
Principles of Neural Science (Hardcover, 6)
Eric R.Kandel
226,000원(18%) / 11,300원
Nursing Research (Paperback, 11th)
Polit, Denise
154,000원 / 3,080원
Gordis Epidemiology (Paperback, 6)
Celentano, David D
68,400원(5%) / 2,060원
Plumb's Veterinary Drug Handbook: Desk (Hardcover, 9)
Donald C. Plumb
171,690원(18%) / 8,590원
Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology (Hardcover, 14)
165,000원 / 4,950원
Morgan and Mikhail's Clinical Anesthesiology (6th International Edition)
85,500원(5%) / 2,570원
Janeway's Immunobiology (Package, Tenth Edition)
Kenneth M. Murphy
105,000원 / 3,150원
Introduction to Meta-Analysis (Hardcover, 2)
Michael Borenstein
126,480원(18%) / 6,330원
Neuroscience: Fundamentals for Rehabilitation (Paperback, 5)
Laurie Lundy-Ekman
156,680원(18%) / 7,840원
Netter's Anatomy Coloring Book (Paperback, 3)
John T. Hansen
37,000원 / 1,110원
Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology, International Edition (Paperback, 13 Revised edition)
115,000원 / 3,450원
Anatomy of Movement (Paperback, 2, Revised)
Calais-Germain, Blandine
46,000원 / 920원
Marriott's Practical Electrocardiography (Paperback)
Douglas D. Schocken
152,000원(5%) / 4,560원
Dr. Vodder's Manual Lymph Drainage: A Practical Guide (Paperback, 2)
Hildegard Wittlinger
134,150원(18%) / 6,710원
Anatomy and Human Movement : Structure and Function (Paperback, 8 ed)
Roger W. Soames
98,000원 / 2,940원
Thompson & Thompson Genetics and Genomics in Medicine (Paperback, 9)
Ronald Cohn
90,250원(5%) / 2,710원
Cote's Clinical Veterinary Advisor: Dogs and Cats (Hardcover, 4th)
Leah Cohn
203,000원 / 6,090원
Hale's Medications & Mothers' Milk 2023: A Manual of Lactational Pharmacology (Paperback, 20)
Thomas W. Hale
105,000원 / 3,150원
Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide, 9th Edition (Hardcover, 9)
Judith E. Tintinalli
313,500원(5%) / 9,410원
The Silence of Dogs in Cars (Hardcover)
마틴 어스본
24,910원(20%) / 1,250원
Layout Now: The Arrangement of Text & Graphics (Hardcover)
54,000원(10%) / 2,700원
J.J. Pizzuto's Fabric Science Swatch Kit : Bundle Book + Studio Access Card (Multiple-component retail product, 12 ed)
Ajoy K. Sarkar
125,000원 / 3,750원
Sticker Studio: Flora: A Sticker Gallery of Beautiful Blooms (Hardcover)
Chloe Standish
31,200원(20%) / 1,560원
Virgil Abloh. Nike. ICONS (Hardcover)
Virgil Abloh
97,000원(8%) / 2,910원
Street Photography: A History in 100 Iconic Photographs (Paperback)
데이빗 깁슨 (David Gibson)
41,840원(20%) / 2,100원
When We Were Young : Memories of Growing Up in Britain (Hardcover)
Lee Schulman
28,050원(15%) / 1,410원
The Design Book (Hardcover)
파이돈 편집부
25,840원(20%) / 1,300원
Good Dog: A Collection of Portraits (Hardcover)
Randal Ford
46,400원(20%) / 2,320원
Eat Your Greens!: 22 Ways to Cook a Carrot and 788 Other Delicious Recipes to Save the Planet (Hardcover)
Dieng Anette
48,000원(20%) / 2,400원
Prada Catwalk : The Complete Collections (Hardcover)
Susannah Frankel
100,000원(20%) / 5,000원
The Whole Fish Cookbook: New Ways to Cook, Eat and Think (Hardcover)
Josh Niland
44,800원(30%) / 450원
Gustav Klimt: Landscapes (Paperback)
Stephan Koja
25,120원(20%) / 1,260원
Statistical Downscaling for Hydrological and Environmental Applications (Hardcover)
Taesam Lee
43,000원 / 860원
Dior Catwalk : The Complete Collections (Hardcover)
Alexander Fury
91,200원(20%) / 4,560원
Mies Van Der Rohe - The Built Work (Hardcover)
Carsten Krohin
103,950원(18%) / 5,200원
Framed Ink: Drawing and Composition for Visual Storytellers (Paperback)
Marcos Mateu-mestre
35,000원 / 1,050원
All About Saul Leiter (Paperback)
Saul Leiter
32,000원(20%) / 1,600원
Redoute Book of Flowers - 40th Anniversary Edition (Hardcover, English, German and French Edition)
Werner Dressendörfer
39,900원(5%) / 1,200원
A Yorkshire Sketchbook (Hardcover)
Hockney, David
21,600원(10%) / 1,080원
The Design of Everyday Things (Paperback, Revised, Expanded Edition)
Norman, Donald A.
22,320원(20%) / 1,120원
The Silver Spoon (Hardcover)
Alberto Capatti
60,800원(20%) / 3,040원
Wolfgang Tillmans. Four Books. 45th Ed. (Hardcover)
45,190원(18%) / 2,260원
Gaudi The Complete Works (Hardcover)
Rainer Zerbst
47,650원(18%) / 2,390원
In the Garden of My Dreams: The Art of Nathalie L?? (Hardcover)
L?? Nathalie
39,300원(25%) / 1,970원
New Retro: 20th Anniversary Edition: Graphics & Logos in Retro Style (Paperback)
52,000원(20%) / 2,600원
RHS Botanical Illustration : The Gold Medal Winners (Hardcover)
Charlotte Brooks
53,600원(20%) / 2,680원
How to Draw: Drawing and Sketching Objects and Environments from Your Imagination (Paperback)
Scott Robertson
58,000원 / 1,740원
Norman Rockwell: 332 Magazine Covers (Hardcover)
Christopher Finch
18,570원(20%) / 930원
John Derian Sticker Book (Hardcover)
John Derian
41,800원(5%) / 1,260원
The Monocle Guide to Better Living (Hardcover)
70,400원(20%) / 3,520원
Framed Ink 2: Frame Format, Energy, and Composition for Visual Storytellers (Paperback)
Marcos Mateu-mestre
39,000원 / 1,170원
Axel Vervoordt: Wabi Inspirations (Hardcover)
Tatsuro Miki
79,200원(20%) / 3,960원
Bruegel. the Complete Paintings. 45th Ed. (Hardcover)
37,600원(20%) / 1,880원
Sorolla: Painted Gardens (Hardcover)
Blanca Pons-Sorolla
60,000원(20%) / 3,000원
Soiree: ねこ助作品集ソワレ (Paperback)
26,000원(10%) / 0원
ウィリアム찼モリス - クラシカルで美しいパタ-ンとデザイン- (Pie × Hiroshi Unno Art) (Paperback)
운노 히로시
34,180원(7%) / 1,030원
Tadao Ando: Endeavors (Hardcover)
Tadao Ando
56,000원(20%) / 2,800원
The Monocle Guide to Cosy Homes (Hardcover)
70,400원(20%) / 3,520원
Forms of Japan: Michael Kenna (Hardcover)
Michael Kenna
80,840원(20%) / 4,050원
Daido Moriyama : How I Take Photographs (Paperback)
Daido Moriyama
27,000원(25%) / 1,350원
Color Me Floral: Stunning Monochromatic Arrangements for Every Season (Hardcover)
Kiana Underwood
45,190원(18%) / 2,260원
Helmut Newton. Sumo. 20th Anniversary Edition (Hardcover)
헬무트 뉴튼
179,200원(20%) / 8,960원
Sebastiao Salgado. Genesis (Hardcover)
Sebastiao Salgado
108,000원(20%) / 5,400원
The Botanist's Sticker Anthology : With More Than 1,000 Vintage Stickers (Hardcover)
29,040원(25%) / 880원
The Flower Expert : Ideas and inspiration for a life with flowers (Paperback)
Fleur McHarg
30,400원(20%) / 1,520원
Orhan Pamuk: Orange (Hardcover)
오르한 파묵
47,200원(20%) / 2,360원
Real Food (Hardcover)
Martin Parr
27,200원(20%) / 1,360원
Irving Penn: Centennial (Hardcover)
Maria Morris Hambourg
95,200원(20%) / 4,760원
Animals Real and Imagined: The Fantasy of What Is and What Might Be (Paperback)
Terryl Whitlatch
49,000원 / 1,470원
Matisse: Life and Spirit: Masterpieces from the Centre Pompidou, Paris (Hardcover)
Aurelie Verdier
90,400원(18%) / 4,520원
アルフォンス ミュシャの世界 2つのおとぎの國への旅 (Paperback)
운노 히로시
41,600원(20%) / 2,080원
Louis Vuitton Catwalk : The Complete Fashion Collections (Hardcover)
Jo Ellison
86,400원(20%) / 4,320원
Help Your Kids with English, Ages 10-16 (Key Stages 3-4) : A Unique Step-by-Step Visual Guide, Revision and Reference (Paperback)
Vorderman, Carol
26,130원(25%) / 790원
Harry Clarke: An Imaginative Genius in Illustrations and Stained-Glass Arts (Paperback)
Hiroshi Umino
34,180원(7%) / 1,030원
Nike SB: The Dunk Book (Hardcover)
Sandy Bodecker
67,420원(25%) / 3,380원
Christian Dior : Designer of Dreams (Hardcover)
Florence Muller
120,890원(20%) / 6,050원
Color Now: Color Combinations for Commercial Design (Hardcover)
54,000원(10%) / 2,700원
H-Point: The Fundamentals of Car Design & Packaging (Paperback, 2 ed)
Stuart Macey
75,000원 / 2,250원
Terada Katsuya Sketch (Paperback)
Katsuya Terada
44,000원(20%) / 2,200원
150 Best Apartment Ideas (Hardcover)
Ana G. Canizares 지음
45,180원(18%) / 2,260원
Ryan McGinley: Way Far (Hardcover)
David Rimanelli
57,600원(20%) / 2,880원
Rachel Ashwell's Painted Stories : Vintage, Decorating, Thoughts, and Whimsy (Hardcover)
Rachel Ashwell
16,800원(20%) / 840원
Judd (Hardcover)
Ann Temkin
82,400원(20%) / 4,120원
Olympia Le-Tan: The Story of O.L.T. (Hardcover)
Thomas Lenthal
87,200원(20%) / 4,360원
Hockney's Portraits and People (Paperback)
Marco Livingstone
40,000원(20%) / 2,000원
Louis Vuitton City Bags: A Natural History (Hardcover)
Marc Jacobs
169,040원(20%) / 8,460원
Let's Eat Italy!: Everything You Want to Know about Your Favorite Cuisine (Hardcover)
Fran?is-R?is Gaudry
68,000원(20%) / 3,400원
Hiroshi Fujiwara: Fragment (Hardcover)
Eric Clapton
73,600원(20%) / 3,680원
Steel Structures: Design and Behavior (5th Edition, Paperback)
53,000원 / 1,590원
Joel Meyerowitz : How I Make Photographs (Paperback)
조엘 마이어로위츠
24,800원(20%) / 1,240원
The Monocle Guide to Shops, Kiosks and Markets (Hardcover)
49,600원(20%) / 2,480원
Hiroshi Fujiwara: Fragment, #2 (Hardcover)
Hiroshi Fuijwara
66,000원(25%) / 3,300원
Kengo Kuma : Complete Works (Hardcover, Revised and expanded edition)
Kengo Kuma
68,600원(30%) / 690원
Helmut Newton. Work (Hardcover, Multilingual Edition)
52,200원(10%) / 2,610원
Dark Rooms (Paperback)
Nigel Shafran
66,720원(18%) / 3,340원
Pet-tecture : Design for Pets (Hardcover)
Tom Wainwright
26,400원(20%) / 1,320원
Essential Eames: Words & Pictures (Hardcover)
Mateo Kries
40,000원(20%) / 2,000원
Sticker Studio: Apothecary: A Sticker Gallery for Modern Mystics (Hardcover)
Chloe Standish
28,000원(30%) / 280원
Egon Schiele. Las Pinturas. 40th Ed. (Hardcover)
37,600원(20%) / 1,880원
Basic Grammar in Use Student's Book with Answers and Interactive eBook (Multiple-component retail product, 4 Revised edition)
Raymond Murphy
33,300원(10%) / 1,670원
Ventures Level 4 Student's Book (Paperback, 3 Revised edition)
Gretchen Bitterlin
26,000원 / 1,300원
Charlotte's Web (Paperback, 미국판)
E.B. 화이트 지음
6,500원(50%) / 70원
Grammar in Use Intermediate Student's Book with Answers : Self-study Reference and Practice for Students of American English (Paperback, 4 Revised edition)
Raymond Murphy
26,100원(10%) / 1,310원
Evolve Level 2 Student's Book with Digital Pack
Lindsay Clandfield
26,000원 / 1,300원
Q Reading and Writing 3 : Student Book with Online Practice (Paperback, 3rd Edition)
27,000원 / 1,350원
Smart Choice Level 2 Student Book with Online Practice 4th Edition (Paperback)
ken wilson
26,500원 / 1,330원
Animal Farm (Mass Market Paperback, 미국판, 50th Anniversary)
조지 오웰 지음
7,700원(40%) / 80원
Smart Choice Level 1 Student Book with Online Practice 4th Edition (Paperback)
ken wilson
26,500원 / 1,330원
Breakthrough Plus 2nd Edition Level 2 Student's Book + Digital Student's Book Pack - Asia (Package)
22,000원 / 1,100원
Basic Grammar in Use Student's Book with Answers (Paperback, 4 Revised edition)
Raymond Murphy
26,100원(10%) / 1,310원
Basic Grammar in Use Student Book with Answers : 한국어판 (Paperback, 3rd Edition)
권진아 외 지음
22,500원(10%) / 1,130원
Prism Reading Level 2 Student's Book with Digital Pack [With Access Code and eBook] (Paperback)
Lida Baker
24,000원 / 1,200원
Q Reading and Writing 2 : Student Book with Online Practice (Paperback, 3rd Edition)
27,000원 / 1,350원
The Penguin Guide to Literature in English (Paperback)
Ronald Carter
26,000원 / 780원
Evolve Level 2a Student's Book with Digital Pack (Other)
Lindsay Clandfield
20,000원 / 1,000원
The Study of Language (Paperback, 8 Revised edition)
George Yule
45,000원 / 1,350원
Q Reading and Writing 5 : Student Book with Online Practice (Paperback, 3rd Edition )
27,000원 / 1,350원
Q Reading and Writing 1 : Student Book with Online Practice (Paperback, 3rd Edition)
27,000원 / 1,350원
The Great Gatsby (Paperback, 영국판)
F. 스콧 피츠제럴드 지음
6,300원(37%) / 70원
The Bluest Eye (Paperback)
토니 모리슨 지음
13,050원(25%) / 660원
Advanced Grammar in Use Book with Answers and eBook and Online Test (Multiple-component retail product, 4 Revised edition)
Martin Hewings
33,300원(10%) / 1,670원
Four Corners Level 1 Student's Book with Digital Pack (Other, 2)
Jack C. Richards
26,000원 / 1,300원
Q3e 4 Listening and Speaking Student Book and IQ Online Pack (Paperback)
27,000원 / 1,350원
English Grammar in Use Book with Answers : A Self-study Reference and Practice Book for Intermediate Learners of English (Paperback, 5 Revised edition)
Raymond Murphy
26,100원(10%) / 1,310원
Evolve Level 3 Student's Book with Digital Pack
Leslie Anne Hendra
26,000원 / 1,300원
Interchange Intro Student's Book with Digital Pack [With eBook] (Paperback, 5, Revised)
Jack C. Richards
26,000원 / 1,300원
Interchange Level 2 Student's Book with Digital Pack [With eBook] (Paperback, 5, Revised)
Jack C. Richards
26,000원 / 1,300원
Unlock Level 3 Listening, Speaking and Critical Thinking Student's Book with Digital Pack (Multiple-component retail product, 2 Revised edition)
Ostrowska, Sabina
27,000원 / 1,350원
Testing for Language Teachers (Paperback, 3 Revised edition)
아서 휴즈
36,000원(10%) / 1,800원
English Phonetics and Phonology : An Introduction (Paperback, 3 ed)
필립 카
39,000원 / 1,170원
Grammar in Use Intermediate Student's Book with Answers and Interactive eBook : Self-study Reference and Practice for Students of American English (Multiple-component retail product, 4 Revised edition)
Raymond Murphy
33,300원(10%) / 1,670원
Evolve Level 4 Student's Book with Digital Pack
Ben Goldstein
26,000원 / 1,300원
Interchange Level 1 Student's Book with Digital Pack [With eBook] (Paperback, 5, Revised)
Jack C. Richards
26,000원 / 1,300원
An Introduction to Language (Paperback, 11th, Asia Edition)
44,000원 / 1,320원
An Introduction to Language The Essentials
Victoria Fromkin.Robert Rodman.Nina Hyams 지음
32,000원 / 960원
Q3e 2 Listening and Speaking Student Book and IQ Online Pack (Paperback)
27,000원 / 1,350원
Grammar in Use Intermediate : 한국어판 (3rd Edition, Paperback, with Answers, 미국식 영어)
Raymond Murphy & William R. Smalzer & 송희심 지음
22,500원(10%) / 1,130원
Perrine's Sound and Sense : An Introduction to Poetry (Hardcover, 15th Edition)
46,000원 / 1,380원
The Norton Introduction to Literature
Kelly J. Mays
47,000원 / 1,410원
Smart Choice 3 : Student Book (Paperback, 4th Edition)
ken wilson
26,500원 / 1,330원
Q3e 3 Listening and Speaking Student Book and IQ Online Pack (Paperback)
Miles Craven 외 지음
27,000원 / 1,350원
Q Reading and Writing 4 : Student Book with Online Practice (Paperback, 3rd Edition)
27,000원 / 1,350원
Evolve Level 3 Student's Book with Practice Extra (Package)
Leslie Anne Hendra
26,000원 / 1,300원
English Collocations in Use Intermediate Book with Answers : How Words Work Together for Fluent and Natural English (Paperback, 2 Revised edition)
27,000원(10%) / 1,350원
Frankenstein: The 1818 Text (Paperback)
Mary Shelley
12,320원(30%) / 130원
Present Yourself Level 2 Student's Book : Viewpoints (Paperback, 2 Revised edition)
24,000원 / 1,200원
Four Corners Level 2 Student's Book with Digital Pack (Other, 2)
Jack C. Richards
26,000원 / 1,300원
Q Reading and Writing Intro : Student Book with Online Practice (Paperback, 3rd Edition)
27,000원 / 1,350원
Applied English Phonology (Paperback, 4 ed)
Mehmet Yavas
39,000원 / 1,170원
English: An Essential Grammar (Paperback, 3)
Gerald Nelson
35,000원 / 1,050원
Understanding and Using English Grammar : Student Book with Mylab English (Paperback, 5th, International Edition)
Betty S. Azar
51,000원 / 2,550원
Present Yourself Level 1 Student's Book : Experiences (Paperback, 2 Revised edition)
24,000원 / 1,200원
A Course in Phonetics (Paperback, 7, Revised)
Peter Ladefoged
35,000원 / 1,050원
Vocabulary in Use High Intermediate Student's Book with Answers (Paperback, 2 Revised edition)
McCarthy, Michael
31,500원(10%) / 1,580원
The House on Mango Street (Paperback)
산드라 시스네로스 지음
9,740원(42%) / 100원
21st Century Communication 2 (Paperback, 2nd edition)
30,000원 / 1,500원
Unlock Level 2 Reading, Writing and Critical Thinking Student's Book with Digital Pack (Paperback, 2)
Richard O'Neill
27,000원 / 1,350원
English Grammar in Use Book with Answers and Interactive eBook : A Self-study Reference and Practice Book for Intermediate Learners of English (Multiple-component retail product, 5 Revised edition)
Raymond Murphy
33,300원(10%) / 1,670원
Breakthrough Plus 2nd Edition Level 4 Student's Book + Digital Student's Book Pack - Asia (Package)
22,000원 / 1,100원
Breakthrough Plus 2nd Edition Level 2 Workbook Pack (Package)
Miles Craven
10,000원 / 500원
English Idioms in Use Intermediate Book with Answers : Vocabulary Reference and Practice (Paperback, 2 Revised edition)
27,000원(10%) / 1,350원
Essential Grammar in Use with Answers and Interactive eBook : A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for Elementary Learners of English (Multiple-component retail product, 4 Revised edition)
Murphy, Raymond
33,300원(10%) / 1,670원
Essential Grammar in Use with Answers : A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for Elementary Learners of English (Paperback, 4 Revised edition)
26,100원(10%) / 1,310원
Great writing 2 (Student Book + Online Workbook, 4th Edition)
Folse, Keith
22,000원 / 1,100원
Cambridge English for Engineering Student's Book with Audio CDs (2) (Multiple-component retail product, Student ed)
Ibbotson, Mark
25,200원(30%) / 260원
Cambridge English for Job-hunting Student's Book with Audio CDs (2) (Multiple-component retail product)
Colm Downes
32,400원(10%) / 1,620원
Patterns in the Mind: Language and Human Nature (Paperback, Revised)
Jackendoff, Ray
33,070원(10%) / 1,000원
On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction (Paperback, 30, Anniversary)
윌리엄 진서 지음
20,720원(20%) / 1,040원
A Student's Grammar of the English Language (Paperback, Subsequent)
Sidney Greenbaum, Randolf Quirk 지음
32,400원(10%) / 1,620원
Four Corners Level 4B Student's Book with Digital Pack (2 ed)
20,000원 / 1,000원
Present Yourself Level 2 Student's Book with Digital Pack: Experiences (Other)
24,000원 / 1,200원
Four Corners Level 3B Student's Book with Digital Pack (2 ed)
Jack C. Richards
20,000원 / 1,000원
Evolve Level 1 Student's Book with Digital Pack
Leslie Anne Hendra
26,000원 / 1,300원
IELTS 17 Academic Student's Book with Answers with Audio with Resource Bank (Multiple-component retail product)
Autores Varios
31,500원(10%) / 1,580원
Wrong Place Wrong Time : Can you stop a murder after it's already happened? THE SUNDAY TIMES THRILLER OF THE YEAR AND REESE'S BOOK CLUB PICK 2022 (Paperback)
Gillian McAllister
12,250원(28%) / 130원
Smart Choice 4 : Student Book (Paperback, 4th Edition)
ken wilson
26,500원 / 1,330원
Second Language Research : Methodology and Design (Paperback, 3 ed)
Alison Mackey
36,000원 / 1,080원
Smart Choice Starter : Student Book (Paperback, 4th Edition)
ken wilson
26,500원 / 1,330원
Evolve Level 3A Student's Book with Practice Extra (Package)
Leslie Anne Hendra
20,000원 / 1,000원